星期五, 六月 09, 2006

Guided by the Shepherd

For the past four days, I anticipated my days with anxiety and worries. However, I love the idea of being alone just for awhile, from the sea of people. Been around with too many people drowns me and overwhelmed me very much. Anyway, with the sense of peace and tranqulity, I am able to focus and have my own thoughts.

What do you think about when u read this word, TIME? Most people think about "I need more time to finish my study. I need to rush because I don't have enough time. I need time to rest." Yes , no doubt, everyone is tied up with time. No matter how uptight 'time' becomes, it has a soft side. Without time, a beginning won't cycle to the ending and from ending to the beginning. With just 'time', a small beginning of a friendship , either with the proffesors, students alike or housemate, bud out from the unity of understanding and encountering. As time moves on, this little bud turns into a ball of petals, which yet to show itself, of how beautiful elements it possess. The creases and folds of petals show the diffulties, conflict, up and downs or whatever that leads to barrier of friendship. But, as the petal slowlys flatten out and curled outwards, you see, these creases dissapear. Of course, this won't be easily done without energy/ effort (from the sun and nutrition). So, without our effort to work through or invest for friendship, the flower will stay closed or died if left too long alone. Imagine, with all of the precious time to maintain friendship, in the end we see the beautiful flower blooming with characteristics of color, shape and heart. You may wonder that the flower does not last long to show its beauty, however, in our mind we will always remember how the flower looks like. Same as apply in friendship, although two friends may be apart, the memories together we shall cherish.

I think I got myself too far. The point is, I can't tell you wonderful and amazing it is to get to know my profesors more than before. They are just like us , people with sense of humor. As for students alike, they are funny and smart ..hehe. Hmm...research is going well too.



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