星期三, 四月 05, 2006

Spring Break

Okay, it is already the fourth week of Spring Quarter and yet, I still feel that this week is just like the first week of the quarter. I guess with the mild winter about to end, lots of sunshine and birds chirping around gives me the cheer and rejuvenation to always look forward every day of the week. Since the break there has been too many things happened to me, albeit my health and determination. Let me described about the Spring break and the rest of the weeks will be in consequent posts.

Okay, I mentioned earlier that I had a trip to ontario on a mission trip. Just the first day, I had already feel nervous because it was my first mission trip and I was motivated to get involve to serve and evangelize intensely. However, the trip wasn't as what I have expected. Everything just went too slow and I didn't feel the excitement from members around. They were too carefree about it. Blame me for being too excited about it, but where there is excitement there is a determination.

To be honest, the group had poor planning and organization. This is the first thing dissatisfaction I have to express first. This doesn't mean that I am complaining but please understand, I express in a humble way. I don't show anger at all. Back to the point, I don't understand why we always lost our way home from the church office or the shopping mall. I have no exception for shopping mall, but from church office, for more than 10 times, one should already know the way home. Furthermore, they still didn't ask for a map after the first incident. I know I shouldn't just depend on the leader and I should had initiated my action , but it is just something to be emphasize on about being leadership. Forget about that...

Being in Ontario, I got to see the beautiful houses made from bricks. They are really more beautiful then the American houses I usually see. View the picture below. Houses are side by side and the neighbours know each other. If I were to live in this house, I don't think I can stand living without the fence around the house. Just a few steps away from the front door, you have already trespassed the neighbour's territory. The weather wasn't that inviting as gloomy clouds covered the sky. The wind was starting to blow cold air in the atmosphere. The geography of the area are really bare , hardly seen any trees. However, the place where I am are densed with people. If I am not mistaken , already reach about 200 000 . There are many housing being constructed just to support the growing population.

For the first three mornings, I spent the time in room listening to pastor Rob's preaching. Before the first sermon, he introduced himself and his life story. I am really amazed at his life story. Before he became a pastor in Ontario, he was a drugged addict and not educated. But now, he has a family and a degree. I can see that he has become a determined man after God has touched his life. He is really serious to reach out for the people in the area. He find many possible ways just to get to know the culture of the surrounding people.

~~~~~ couldn't go on..



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