星期一, 二月 27, 2006

~Finals' Week~

Undisciplined Girl"

I ended week 10 of Winter Quarter. I don't quite remember what happened actually. I guess because I had been a naughty girl. Even though there was exam that week, I watched TOO many Korean dramas and I am still at it right now. Consequently, I scored so bad in Immunology Exam 4. I felt so bad on Friday because I have misconducted myself in the eyes God. Suppose if I had paid attention in class to Dr. Tom's lecture, I probably wouldn't have ended up this way. What happened on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday....I have no clue. The events that was so vivid in my mind was the effort of going to gym for workout. IV Dinner is coming up somewhere around March and I have to wear formal dress which I am not accustomed to. For the first time, I actually have to lose weight to look good in a dress. My normal me wouldn't be bother about beauty but I guess I have to because I found out that I am overweight -- thanks to America --. My body store fat more excessively during winter even though I eat a little.I wonder what mom thinks of this.Rain is the one has been couching me in exercise for 2 hours each two days. Gosh...exercise addict.

Chinese...I am getting better now. Thursday was the last day to have Shi Fang Yu to teach the class. Starting next quarter, there will be a new teacher called Miao Laoshi. Zhang lao shi forbid us to abuse her because she is really a good teacher. I hope she will move into my house before she starts teaching. It will be fun to have a teacher at home. Imagine how weird it would be. I recommended my house to her for accomodation. So far, there isn't any news about her yet but Hong Fei, from the other house, is moving into my house as well. Then, my house won't be that quite and boring anymore. But then, I am not too sure if I can adjust myself again to new people around because take time to get to know a person again.I have been introvert lately because not much social life happening everyday. Yet, I am still happy to meet Rain, Zeu Ven and Seth during lunch time.

I have also slept early this few weeks. I hardly have any worries and concern at all about my study. I think because I have lost track the gist of classes. I should be ashamed for writing this out. Living off campus, I should be more stern, orgnized and disciplined in my doings, to prove tat I can manage well off campus.I can do it but it was the hectic schedule which had made me cut off totally.

I have so much to say in my mind. But i have to stop now. There is more reviewing for immunology and tissue culture.



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