星期四, 五月 11, 2006

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Your comments are highly regard. -_-


星期三, 五月 10, 2006

[The Legendary of Si Tenggang]

Here is another video recorded for the first performance of RITMySA Annual Dinner on the April 30th. It was my first directed and written play. Despite the self-credit, it is just nothing but a piece of paper. This play wouldn't be a success if weren't for the participation of the RITMySA members. Million of thanks to:

Si Tenggang ~ Din
Companion ~ Pekan
Mother ~ Deleen
Father ~ Ejoy
Princess ~ Hanis
Villagers ~ Ina and Ackie

Did I miss anyone else??? of course not forgeting , the person behind the stage, Ahamd Faiz...luckily he is not in the video , he wouldn't want to be in it anyway... he is important too. The sound effects and mucis PLUS the lightings were all of his works. Play wouldn't be complete without his help. I admire his talent. He came to save me from distress!

Later some time next week, I will make something for them as a treat of gratitude. To my surprise, on the day of the event, all of them performed well! It was a hard work in the beginning but without those moments, we would not have bond a special friendship. Faiz and I thought of doing another play for the coming annual dinner...I wonder what would it.

Here is the video and enjoy..... please leave comment as well. ;)

星期二, 五月 02, 2006

[RITMySAAD] Sumazau Dance

Look at my posed~~ yup yup I performed sumazau dance for the RITMySA Annual Dinner. I wll post more...hehe...esp the dance video. Posted by Picasa

I am back! This time with the video.

Please leave your comments. This Sumazau is my first choreographed dance.

[Si Tenggang's Homecoming]

While I wait for the video of my poem recitation, took during the RITMySA Annual Dinner. Let me post the poem byt Muhammad Haji Salleh:

Si Tenggang's Homecoming

The physical journey that I traversed
Is a journey of a soul
Transport of a self from a fatherland
To a country collected by sights and mind
The knowledge its sweats
Are a stranger’s experience
From one who has learned to see, reflect
And chose between changing actualities

I know I have growled at my mother and grandmother
But only after having told them my predicament
That they never brought into consideration:
The wife that I began to love in my lonelines,
In country that alienated me,
They enveloped in their prejudgement.
I have not entirely returned I know
Having been changed by time and place
Coarsened by problems
Estranged by absence.

But look
I have brought myself home,
Seasoned by faith ,
Broadened by land languages,
I have no longer afraid of the oceans
Of the difference between people.
No longer easily snared
By words or ideas.

The journey was a loyal teacher
Who was never tardy
In explaining cultures or variousness.
I am just like you,
Still Malay,
Sensitive what I believe is good,
And more ready to understand
Than my brothers.
The contents of the boat are yours too,
Because I have returned.

Travel makes me a seeker
Who does not take
What is given without sincerity
Or which demand payments from beliefs.
The years at sea and coastal states
Have thought me to choose,
To accept only those tested by comparisons
Or which matches the words of my ancestors,
Which brings me to my village
And its completeness.

I’ve learnt the ways of the rude,
To hold actualities in a new logic,
Debate with hard and loud facts,
But I too
Have humility, respecting
Man and life.

I am not a new man
Not very different from you
The people and cities
Have taught me not to brood
Over foreign countries,
Suffer difficulties
Or fear possibilities.

I am you
Freed from the village
It’s soils and ways
I have found myself.